Lumije Concierge


Read our free Ebook and learn what to look for in a quality larger diamond engagement ring.

How to Buy a World-Class Large Diamond Engagement Ring.

Download This Free Ebook and Learn:

  • Why diamonds are not commodities and why you shouldn't buy yours like it is one.
  • How large diamonds (two-carats and larger) are priced and why that matters to you.
  • The reasons why you should examine larger diamonds side-by-side.
  • Why it matters who certifies your diamond.
  • How to read a GIA-certificate.
  • And much more...



Selecting an engagement ring might seem overwhelming given the myriad choices in settings, diamond shapes, diamond quality, etc.  You want her to be thrilled with your choice and yet remain within your budget.

To simplify the process, we invite you to book a complimentary consultation with one of our diamond experts.  

Begin with These Three Simple Steps

Sign up for a complimentary virtual consultation with one of our diamond experts. In this 30-minute consultation we discuss your budget, what you are looking for in terms of diamond shape, diamond quality and setting type.  Our diamond experts have helped many customers navigate this process and they can guide you in matching your budget to the perfect balance of the diamond color, clarity, carat and cut.  The next step will be to schedule a follow-up visit (online or at our NYC office) to show you different diamond options.


Next, our diamond expert will select stones they feel will match your criteria from Lumije’s extensive, on-hand inventory of natural diamonds. 

At your follow-up visit, we’ll compare these diamonds from your hand-picked selection “side-by-side” in-person or virtually via HD images and videos.  

We’ll talk you through the 4Cs of your diamond selections and point out how these characteristics lend to each diamond’s unique beauty. Then we’ll help you choose the perfect setting for your piece. This individualized attention will give you the confidence and peace of mind that the diamond(s) you select will be perfect.


In less than two weeks, our expert jewelers will set and polish her ring.  You’ll then have one more consultation to view the finished piece. You can elect to take delivery in person, or we can arrange a video consultation and prepare to ship your ring overnight.  We are confident that the end-result will be a timeless engagement ring she’ll treasure forever.